
Is obesity really a problem?

"Adolescent obesity is like an epidemic."- S. K. Wangnoo, Senior consultant endocrinologist, indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Delhi India.

As the above comment shows, many middle class indian families have changed to a life_style that is resulting in teenage obesity.
This epidemic has become a pandemic that is spreading in many countries as more people exercise less and become addictive to junk food. A consultant in adolescent medicine stated: "The next generation in Britain will be ... the most obese in the history of mankind." Obesity was once mainly an adult problem. Now Britain has a young generation whose eating habits and sedentary culture is leading them towards problems first seen in the US. Long term obesity will predispose them to illnesses such as diabetes to heart disease and cancer."
Overconsumption has replaced malnutrition as the the world's top food problem." Some nine million Americans are now morbidly obese, meaning roughly (45 kilograms) or more overweight. Weight related conditions lead to some 300,000 premature deaths a year in that nation, more than anything else except smoking."

How do You Define Obesity?
When a person is considered obese and not just somewhat overweight? The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Mininesota, U.S.A., states: "In simplest terms , obesityis being seriously overweight because of body fat."

Dangers of obesity: Obesity can lead to severe health problems. Dr. Scott Loren-Selco, a neurologist at the University of Southern California Medical Center, warns of the danger of Type 2 diabetes for even young people who are obese.

Because fat in your abdomen increases your risk of high blood presure. coronary artery diseases, diabetes, stoke and certain form of cancer.

What is the solution? Certain diet that concentrate on eliminating carbohydrare and increasing the intake of protein (meat) can lead to weight loss.

1. Be aware of the calories in what you are eating and drinking. Note: Drinks can be a major source of calories, especially sweetened juices Alcoholic drink, soft drinks.

2. Avoid temptation. If chips, chocolates. or cookies are on hand, you will inevitable eat them.

3. Have a snack or an appetizer before eating a meal It will take the edge off your appetite and you may induce you to eat less.

4. Don't eat everything put in front of you. Reject what you know will give you too many calories.

5. Slow down, Why hurry? Enjoy your meal by noticing what you are eating-the colors, the flavors, the interaction of foods. Listen to the body signals that say " i 'm full. I don't need any more."

Stop eating before feel full.

7. Desserts are not essentials to complete a meal. It is better to finish off with fruit or another low calorie item.

8. Exercise three or four times a week

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