

It's been around for a long, long time, this gift called asking.
In fact, one of life's fundamental truth states, ask and you shall receive. Isn't that simple? Of course it is. And kids are the masters. Their formula is ususallyto ask until they get what they want. As aldults, we seem to lose our ability to ask. We come up with all sorts of excuses and reasons to avoid any possibility of rejection. Kids haven't been programmed like that. They really believe they can have anything they ask for, whether it's a fifty-foot swimming pool or a chocolate ice cream cone.
Here is what you need to understand: The world responds to those who ask. If you are not moving closer to what you want, you probably aren't asking.
When you ask, you receive all sort of information, ideals, strategies, names of people with influence and, yes, even money.There are many good reasons to ask and the reward is substantial. So why do people stumble when they have an oppourtunity to ask? Essentially there are three reasons.

1. They have a belief system that says it's not right to ask.

2. They lack confidence

3. They fear rejection.

They are also five ways on how to ask and recieve.

1. Ask clearly
2. Ask with confidence.
3. Ask consistently.
4. Ask creatively.
5. Ask sincerely.

Don't forget the habit of asking has changed the world. There are many examples of great leaders who knew the how to ask well. And they did it with commitment and passion. Jesus asked his diciples to follow him.They did, and christainity was born.
Martin Luther King Jr. had adream of equalityfor all thepeople. He asked , and changed the course of history. Mother Teresa asked for help to assist the poor and dying and the Missionaries of charity was created. During World War II, Winston asked the people of United Kingdom to never, never, never, never, give up, and the Great Briton was saved from invasion.
It's important to note that each of this leaders had a powerful vison and total commitment to accomplishing their goal. For them asking was thenatural way to make continuous progress.

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